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MATN Institute Presentation Materials

2019 MATN Spring Institute Presentation Information

Lunch Session: 12:15 - 1:15 p.m.

Breakout A: 1:20 - 2:20 p.m.

Breakout B: 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.

2019 MATN Spring Institute Presentation Materials

A Capacity-Building Approach to Assistive Technology Service Design:

Presentation: A Capacity-Building Approach to Assistive Technology Service Design

AT Team 3 Year Plan

Remote Services Planning Worksheet

Matching Training to Audience

TNTP Core Teaching Rubric

Thinking About Building Assistive Technology Capacity

Collaborative Teaming to Promote Generalization of AAC:

Presentation: Collaborative Teaming to Promote Generalization of AAC

Planning for Communications and Participation

Core 64 Handout

Project Core: Communicating Yes or No

Project Core: Partner-Assisted Scanning

Project Core: Modeling the Universal Core

Project Core: How to Integrate Project Core Teaching Practices with Communication Applications and Speech Generating

Shared Responsibility Chart for AAC Users and School Staff

Consultation, Collaboration, Coaching: Strategies for Differentiating Your AT Supports:

Presentation: Consultation, Collaboration, Coaching: Strategies for Differentiating Your AT Supports

Support Strategy Decisions

Characteristics of Consultation, Collaboration, and Coaching

Fast, Easy Solutions for Students with Reading Barriers

Presentation: Fast, Easy Solutions for Students with Reading Barriers

Presentation: Fast, Easy Solutions for Students with Reading Barriers

Read Your Way: Ebooks for People with Reading Barriers

Feature Matching: Finding the Best UDL Tools

PART 1: Feature Matching: Finding the Best UDL Tools

PART 1: Feature Matching: Finding the Best UDL Tools

PART 2: Feature Matching: Finding the Best UDL Tools

PART 3: Feature Matching: Finding the Best UDL Tools

PART 4: Feature Matching: Finding the Best UDL Tools

PART 5: Feature Matching: Finding the Best UDL Tools

PART 6: Feature Matching: Finding the Best UDL Tools

PART 7: Feature Matching: Finding the Best UDL Tools

Model as a MASTER PAL: Supporting Exemplar Communication Partners

Presentation: Model as a MASTER PAL Supporting Exemplar Communication Partners

Model as a MASTER PAL Handout

Moving Forward: One Team's Journey Towards Effective Inclusion

Presentation: Moving Forward One Team's Journey Towards Effective Inclusion

Switch Accessibility, the iPad, and Computer Access: The Basics and Beyond

Presentation: Switch Accessibility, the iPad, & Computer Access: The Basics & Beyond

The Changing Focus of Assistive Technology in Maryland

Presentation: The Changing Focus of Assistive Technology in Maryland

Using Virtual Reality to Teach Real World Skills to Kids with Autism and Dvelopmental Delays

Presentation: Using Virtual Reality to Teach Real World Skills to Kids with Autism and Developmental Delays

Who Are You in AT? Addressing the Shifting Function of AT by Building Capacity with $CASH$

Presentation: Who Are You in AT?  Addressing the Shifting Function of AT by Building Capacity with $CASH$

How Block Code Can Be Used to Meet IEP Ojectives with Students with ASD

Presentation: How Block Code Can Be Used to Meet IEP Objectives with Students with ASD

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